Our Unit

We believe in care, safety, privacy

and proper disinfection in our endoscopy unit. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality diagnostic, screening and surveillance endoscopy as well as innovative therapeutic endoscopy. We provide a service that is timely, informative, efficient and friendly.


Our aim is to provide the very highest standards of care to patients and their relatives, ensuring privacy and dignity are maintained at all times. The Unit is purpose built to support outpatient and inpatient endoscopic procedures. The decontamination Unit is housed within the Endoscopy Unit where the cleaning and disinfection/sterilization of the endoscopes takes place as per international standards. The department has state of the art equipment and an active equipment replacement programme. Our Endoscopy unit is an active department which is fully equipped with video endoscopes and associated equipment.The unit works closely with other departments, wards and information services to deliver high quality care and endoscopy management.The Unit is constantly seeking to improve service provision and patient care and your feedback is important to us.

  • Upper GI Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Variceal Banding
  • Polyps Removal
  • Foreign Body Removal
  • Endoscopy Dilation
  • Percutaneous EG
Upper GI Endoscopy
Upper GI Endoscopy
Gastroscopy/Upper GI Endoscopy is an examination of the inside of the gullet, stomach and duodenum. It is performed by using a thin, flexible fibre-optic instrument that is passed through the mouth and allows the doctor to see whether there is any damage to the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach, and whether there are any ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. The procedure is painless and is usually done under a light sedative as a day-case patient in a specialised endoscopy unit. A gastroscopy may be advised if you have symptoms such as
  • Recurring indigestion
  • Recurring heartburn
  • Pain in the upper abdomen
Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables an examiner (usually a gastroenterologist) to evaluate the inside of the colon (large intestine or large bowel). The colonoscope is a four foot long, flexible tube about the thickness of a finger with a camera and a source of light at its tip. The tip of the colonoscope is inserted into the anus and then is advanced slowly, under visual control, into the rectum and through the colon usually as far as the cecum, which is the first part of the colon. Colonoscopy is also a safe and effective way to evaluate problems such as
  • Blood loss
  • Abdominal or rectal pain
  • Changes in bowel habits, such as chronic diarrhea
  • Active bleeding from the large bowel
Variceal Banding
Variceal Banding

Varices are dilated blood vessels in the esophagus or stomach caused by portal hypertension. They cause no symptoms unless they rupture and bleed, which can be life-threatening.Someone with symptoms of bleeding varices should seek treatment immediately. Doctors can stop the bleeding and help prevent varices from coming back. Bleeding from varices is a medical emergency. If the bleeding is not controlled quickly, a person may go into shock or die. Variceal Banding is a procedure in which a gastroenterologist places small rubber bands directly over the varices. This will stop the bleeding and get rid of the varices.

Symptoms of bleeding varices are

  • Vomiting of blood
  • Black, tarry, or bloody stool
  • Low blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Lightheadedness
Polyps Removal
Polyps Removal
A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that forms on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are harmless. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer, which is often fatal when found in its later stages. Anyone can develop colon polyps. You are at higher risk if you are 50 or older, are overweight or a smoker, or have a personal or family history of colon polyps or colon cancer. Colon polyps often cause no symptoms. You might not know you have a polyp until your doctor finds it during an examination of your bowel. But some people with colon polyps experience:
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Change in stool color
  • Change in bowel habits
  • Pain, nausea or vomiting
  • Iron deficiency anemia
Foreign Body Removal
Foreign Body Removal

Foreign body ingestion is a common condition, especially among children who represent 80% of these emergencies. The most frequently ingested foreign bodies in children are coins, toys, magnets and batteries. Most foreign body ingestions in adults occur while eating, leading to either bone or meat bolus impaction. Flexible endoscopy is the therapeutic method of choice for relieving food impaction and removing true foreign bodies with a success rate of over 95% and with minimal complications

Endoscopy Dilation
Endoscopy Dilation

The esophagus carries food from the mouth to the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus is a band of muscles that opens and shuts when you swallows. This allows food into the stomach and also prevents the stomach's contents from rising into the esophagus during digestion. Certain problems, such as esophageal strictures,cancer or achalasia, can affect the upper gastrointestinal tract, making it difficult  to swallow. Dilation (sometimes incorrectly called dilatation) is a procedure that stretches abnormal tissues in and around the esophagus to help with esophageal problems swallow normally.

Percutaneous EG
Percutaneous EG
A percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure for placing a feeding tube directly into the stomach through a small incision in the abdominal wall with the assistance of an instrument known as an endoscope. The procedure is performed as a means of providing nutrition to patients who cannot take food by mouth. Many stroke patients, for example, have poor control over their swallowing muscles and are unable to safely consume enough food, or they have muscle weakness that allows food to leak into the lungs when they swallow things by mouth. Benefits of PEG Feeding are
  • Nutritional status is improved
  • Low incidence of complications
  • Reduction in aspiration pneumonia associated with swallowing disorders
  • Satisfactory use by home carers

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